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About Us
Born on the 19th January 1955 into the family of Cannon Ezekiel Adebowale Adesina and his wife MRS Janet Adesina both Anglican denomination, my name is Sunday Oluinka Timothy Adesina. AS an am indigene of Abeokuta, I attended Abeokuta grammar School, and later, University of Lagos where I obtained my B.S.C. Degree in Accountancy (1981) Married to Mrs. Christian Adesina, we have (5 five) Children all males.

The call of the Lord came to me on 23rd June 1974 to proclaim this Second Coming) when I graduated from the secondary School. The call came as a rescue from death in that when I became conscious of myself what I saw in my room was a coffin to bury me but alas HE SAVED ME AND ANOITED ME TO PROCLAIM HIS SECOND COMING>

However, I refused to answer the call but nearly lost my life. When I finally surrendered unto the Lord in 1990, I had my first Son while I have been married for about 9 years in 1991, I was commanded to start the ministry in my sitting room with my wife and my son Samuel and today the ministry has a slightly large congregation who worship regularly with us and thousands of people who come from all over the Federation for counseling and God in His infinite mercies has been surmounting their problems praise the Lord. I had assurance from the Lord that among the needy's (barren) that comes through Last Age Evangelical Ministry 75% of them shall be answered and their heart desires granted them but if the remaining 25% could tarry, they too will not be neglected.

Though I have been equipped by our Lord Jesus Christ for this great assignment of proclaiming His second coming, I became a rolling Pastor from one church to the other as per the direction of the holy spirit until I gathered enough experience to pilot the affairs of a church. To crown it all I registered with Mutual Faith Institute for Biblical studies in 1986 and obtained my Doctorate Degree in theology. Today I am known and addressed as Rev. Dr. S. O. Adesina.

Last Age is a registered member of CAN (Christian Association of Nigeria) PFN (Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, National Christian Organization of Nigeria (NACON) and Preachers International Fellowship of Nigeria (P.I.F.N). I have attended Seminars in many cities in Nigeria but the one that I enjoyed most was the one held at Ibadan Capital of Oyo State on "THAT I MAY KNOW HIM" in the year 1998 where the Organizers "CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA - YOUTH WING" Awarded me with FIVE EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE which came to me through BIBLE PATHWAY AND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF MECEDONIA, 0H44056.

Last Age Evangelical Ministry is located at Powerline, 25 Oluwole street, Ejigbo (along Isolo - Ikotun Road, in Lagos. The ministry has graduated from my sitting room into ca temporary site opposite my house with regular worshiping members.

Also by revelation a branch has been located in Port Harcourt, which will serve s Eastern Zonal Head Quarters. However we lack funds to make it fully operational.Because of the peculiar nature of Last Age, we train our own pastors in the ministry. In addition they are still allowed to interact with the "outside world' to enable them be equipped very well for this great task of proclaiming the Second Coming of our Lord.


Sunday: Regular church services start by 8.ooam with Bible study. We close 12.30pm as directed by the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday: We have counseling services for everybody be you a Christian or not from morning to 4.00pm free of charge. Evening we do Bible study class from 6.30 - 8.00pm

Wednesday: Morning general fasting and prayers by all members. We intercede for the needy and our nation Nigeria. Evening we have fellowship with Businessmen and women.

Thursday: We have another non-denominational counseling, which ends 4.00pm. We intercede for the sick in Hospitals known and unknown. Thursday activities are rounded off with a 35 minutes house worship, which we call "Carefellowhip". It starts 6.30pm and ends 7.05pm as directed by the Holy Spirit.

Friday: We do home visits for new converts and share the word of God with them. Evening is our church worship which we call "Revival service". This is where we revive our body, soul and spirit unto the Lord after working from Monday - Friday. Time id 6.00 - 8.00pm

Saturdays: The Bible Teachers hold their class and review the studies that will take place on Tuesday. We also keep the house of God clean and finally round the day off with choir practice. Time is 4.00pm - 6.000pm.

Also the Bible teacher's class (Training the trainer) comes up every 1st Saturday of the month. There the pastors and teachers gather to refill themselves in the word.

Since the inception of the ministry the Lord had been faithful concerning His promises, a lot of unexpected Healing had taken place, In the ministry we have a living witness of a sister and a brother whom the Lord has healed and delivered from HIV positive and tested negative after the healing with WATER.

In 1974, the Lord told me of a virus that is going to bedevil the world and when it comes I should call upon Him and anoint water and bless it and to be given to the sick and that He the Lord shall heal the sick.

Another miracle worth mentioning is a boy of 3 years old who has his leg bone removed by the witches to the extent that one can use this boy's leg to write letter "O". He was healed and he walked in on of our counseling in 1992. All what the Lord promised to don in the ministry He has proofed them, like raising the death, eradicating poverty, remembering the barren of a short and longer years.

He promised to wrought divers of miracles in outside Evangelism and crusades. Please we need your assistance to be able to carry out these assignments.


The aims sought to be achieved at all times and in all spheres shall conform and satisfy the aspirations of the members for a righteous life in fulfillment of the commandments of God and the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ to enable us proclaim His second coming which we have been commissioned to do.

These aims shall be attained by observing the following - objectives:

1. To create a conducive religious atmosphere and a place and mode of worship that is consistent with the teachings of the Holy Scripture.
2. To promote participatory (religious social and welfare) programmes for the well being of members
3. To undertake other activities that are conducive or incidental to the promotion of peace/unity and prosperity amongst members.
4. To spread the word of God by religious preaching teaching and to proclaim the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
5. To encourage, promote and undertake all church, religious, evangelistic, educational, social and welfare activities.
6. To grant financial assistance to members in terms of need.
7. To assist government in any way in the promotion of peace, unity and understanding amongst the people.
8. To use the medium of religious and God's ministry in the promotion of moral, mental and physical development of the citizenry.

Rev. Dr. S. O. Adesina
No. 25 Oluwole street,
Powerline Ejigbo,
P.O.Box 426 Marina
Lagos, Nigeria.
