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Beloved in Christ,

You are welcome to LAST AGE EVANGELICAL MINISTRY (LAEM) popularly called "Last Age".

Last Age has been seen and described as another "Noah's Ark" in our contemporary society because of the great commissioning by our Lord Jesus Christ to proclaim His Second Coming and also warn the children of God about the great tribulation. Feel free to go round the web site for detailed information and clarity to enable you save others.

Yours in His vineyard,

Sunday O. Adesina,


The vision of Last Age Evangelical Ministry is to fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ and to proclaim His second coming to the world.


The mission of Last Age is to evangelize and proclaim this second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and also warn the children of God about the great tribulation mentioned by our Lord Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew chapter 24 and in other places in the scripture.

e-mail: pastor@lastageministry.faithweb.com


1. We believe that God is the creator of heaven and earth and the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword and also God is love. Gen 1:1-11; Heb 4:12; 1 John 4:8-10.
2. We believe that all scripture are given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness 2 Tim 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21.
3. We believe that Christ is the only foundation and our Savior. He died for our sins, was buried and he rose again on the 3rd day. 1 Corinth. 3:11; 15:3-4.
4. We believe that our hope is the Lord. Psalm 39:7-8
5. We believe that the Holy Spirit resides in everyone who truly believes in Jesus Christ. Therefore He places every true believer into the body of Christ, He guides and instructs or directs believers. John 14:16, 26;16:13
6. We believe that Salvation id received by true and complete faith in God, there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Act 4:12.
7. We believe that sanctification is the ultimate, which is experienced when any believer enters into the presence of the Lord. John 17:17; 19; 1 Thes. 5:23
8. We believe that baptism is an ordinance of the church that is by water immersion, which is to be observed, by the church during the present age. It is therefore not a means of salvation. Matt. 3:6; 28:19
9. We believe in the assurance of eternal security. That is, everyone who truly believes in Jesus Christ's atoning work and has appropriated this believe personally to life is assured of Salvation both now and forever. Col 2:2; 1 John 5:13-15; 2:1-2
10. We believe that Faith without work is dead. Christians will give individual account of their works and receive rewards for their Faithful service at the judgement seat of Christ. 1 Corinth. 3:12-15; 2Corths 5:9-10
11. We believe that the church embraces all true believers in the body as bride of Christ, that is, the placing of individual believer's body in Jesus Christ. Eph 1:12-13; Phil 1:1
12. We believe that God originally created an innumerable company of sinless spirit- beings known as angels. They are messengers of God to help his people in all ages. One angle sinned against God known as Satan and some others followed known as demons. But the true angels of god has always reigned supreme Isaiah 14:12-17; Ezekiel 28:11-19; 1 Tim 3:6
13. We believe that man was created in the image of God. In Adam all men fell into sin. Therefore, all men are sinners by nature and action. The only hope, men are saved by grace of God. Gen 1:26-17; Rom 3:6-11.
14. We believe that spiritual gifts are bestowed freely as determined by the Holy Spirit on believers and not by the will or desire of man. It is meant for the service to the glory of God. Rom 12:6; Eph 4:11; 1 Corinth 12:4-11; John 16:13-14; Acts 1:18; 1 Corinth 14:1-40
15. We believe that tribulation in the end shall come, a period of divine judgement upon the whole world which day after day continue to ripen for judgement. Matt 24:15-29; 1 Thesa. 4:16-18; 2 Thes. 2:1-7; Rev. 6:1-17
16. We believe in Resurrection. All the dead will resurrect bodily at the end time, the believers into everlasting blessedness and joy with their Lord. The unbelievers into judgement and everlasting conscious punishment John 11:25-26; Rev 20:11-15; Luke 16:19-26; Luke 23:42; 2 Thesa 1:7-9